Hevreh Ensemble is excited to announce plans for our tour for the summer of 2022 when we will travel to Argentina. We are currently planning concerts to be held in historic synagogues in Beunos Aires, Rosario and Cordoba with our first concert to be held at the magnificent synagogue Templo Libertad in Buenos Aires. We are thrilled to be joined by soprano Alicia DePaolo who sings with the ensemble Miryam among many other groups. Interspersed with Hevreh’s repertoire she will be sing cantillation from the soulful and stirring Book of Lamentations, which is a collection of poetic laments for the destruction of Jerusalem. The planned performances coincide with the observance of Tisha b’av on, which marks the destruction of the two temples in 586 BCE and 70 CE.
Stay tuned for further plans!
Soprano Alicia DePaolo
Hevreh Travels to Argentina
Templo Libertad Buenos Aries, Argentina